Killer Times: album artwork for new album i made. all new stuff- 2016 freshness. the album stems from a new polyphonic synthesizer in my arsenal- so these tracks showcase me learning the new gear- they're raw. listen/download/support:
Killer Times: #ocmd #collage
Killer Times: #ocmd out of #focus long #exposure night shot
Killer Times: #paint with #light . #2016 #snow
Killer Times: (media addiction)
Killer Times: #spiderplant is #flowering.
Killer Times: ive been watching more and more "living off the grid" youtube videos these days...
Killer Times: oh neat my road flooded out again #2016
Killer Times: #creepy #kale #garden @ #night
Killer Times: #cassette #tape #beats #2016
Killer Times: ...torn between what rap name to choose: "Roots Willis" or "Mitzy Hussle"
Killer Times: [after] i #custom #built a #delay/#reverb module. my goal with this project was to build a interface that was more geared for my needs- lots of hands on- constant parameter changes. #pedalmod #mod #effects #studio #gear #dub #mixing
Killer Times: gettin there...waiting on some switched 1/4 inch jacks to come in the mail. looking forward to lacing dj sets with trailing echoes-yea mon!
Killer Times: [11.30.15]
Killer Times: paint peeling off gas pump looks like a franken-punker belching
Killer Times: coming soon
Killer Times: #skeleton #attic #ghosts
Killer Times: good morning #phragmites!
Killer Times: [before] p.a. #speaker module
Killer Times: nice day for #birding on #maryland's #easternshore. *yellow-rumped #warbler #songbird
Killer Times: "i got news for ya-youre not gettin outta this one" #happyfridaythe13th #abandoned #hospital #asylum #electroshock #therapy
Killer Times: yaherd?
Killer Times: seatbelt for my head
Killer Times: last #rose of the season...see yall next spring!
Killer Times: @ocripcurrent #friends #coastal #explorer #journey #vaporwave #eastcoast #keys #bike #touring
Killer Times: #gwenstefani
Killer Times: wore out my first two copies, went out and found a third #hello #halloween #horsesass #homealone #h
Killer Times: i aint catchin shit but fuzzies
Killer Times: cover #art for my freshly uploaded #instrumental #mixtape, "slow down it's dusty" / take a listen @ /🔥🔥🔥#beats
Killer Times: i thought there was something in my shoe-maybe the insole curled up-better take it off and check-oh- it was just this enormous #wolf #spider #heebeejeebees *i didnt kill it- just gave it another home a few miles up the road #liveandletlive