New Rosebud: Balenciaga Purse
New Rosebud: Hedwig
New Rosebud: Black & White Fancy
jeffkingla: Hollywood, March 2010
lomokev: houses of parliament
Jaime Carter: Scottish fold
mashalover: Sleeping
Lou O' Bedlam: Alie Ward
eyecbeauty: A Beautiful Day...
gopugyourself01: Teen Wolf front
gopugyourself01: Werewolf, or monkey?
Miss Eli: Karri, Ian and Lucas
Miss Eli: tired pug
rmrayner: 'Madison' Princess cut diamond engagement ring
rmrayner: "Deep Water" Cushion cut aquamarine engagement ring
jeffbalke: Bride & the Maids
phantom kitty: pug and cookies!
jnhkrawczyk: Pug in Shadow
andyburnfield: Rowdy Dog
Courtenay: pretty much the perfect sunday
Courtenay: pretty much the perfect sunday