San José Public Library: Video tour of the stacks after the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: Books, books, everywhere books.
San José Public Library: Book aisle after the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: Shelving after the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: after the 2007 earthquake
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: 8th floor after the 2007 earthquake
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
San José Public Library: After the 2007 earthquake.
Vu Pham in Vietnam: Asia | Vietnam | Hue city: Charcoal wholesaling
stocks photography: distraction
ADDCANDID: Forrest Gump
ADDCANDID: แดดส่อง
ADDCANDID: #Nespresso
PAISITTHAWAEE: Sri Lanka's Fisherman
Paolo Pizzimenti: Le glacier Presena
Vemsteroo: 50 Shades of Zebra
Nobythai: Hinadantaki Waterfalls
GlobeTrotter 2000: Ushuaia, Argentina - Laguna Esmeralda
Nobythai: Nomazaki Lighthouse
27147 pt.II: Monochrom