alexover photophilie: Seebrücke Sellin
bahnbekloppter: Irgendwo in Bonn
glanzlichter: Sabrina I 23.07.2015
noeltykay: Wise Beyond Her Years
Roland Ito: Unser schattiges Plätzchen
passion4streetphotography: Halloween Night
gambajo: The Cube Circle
strobist: Painted Hall, Greenwich UK
Nick Harris1: NGAH2494.jpg
noeltykay: Details
noeltykay: Lolumina X-T1 mini soft release
noeltykay: QC-25's
Dr. RawheaD: Galapagos
noeltykay: Little Monsters
Nick Harris1: Columbus Fisheye
passion4streetphotography: "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. " Mark Twain
passion4streetphotography: City Place - West Palm Beach
noeltykay: Pair of Jacks
roberke: 2838
kuuan: offering incense