Trailer Park King: street musician
Trailer Park King: lolwootflip by joey
Trailer Park King: Dejan does a kung-fu stylisch flip.
Trailer Park King: Darth August
Trailer Park King: Lord Dejan
Trailer Park King: Jedi Master Limp
Trailer Park King: Ollie by Dejan
Trailer Park King: Some view from the skatespot
Trailer Park King: Serious Limp
Trailer Park King: Houey Louey the Padawan
Trailer Park King: Retardation
Trailer Park King: end of the slope
Trailer Park King: in the off pist
Trailer Park King: high contrast
Trailer Park King: faster cousin, faster!
Trailer Park King: thats my dad
Trailer Park King: going down
Trailer Park King: Gap the Mind
Trailer Park King: Road to Nowhere