K.G. Balu: Snail's dream
K.G. Balu: Sun or Moon
K.G. Balu: Three boats and three birds
K.G. Balu: Cochi
K.G. Balu: Cochi
K.G. Balu: Cochi
K.G. Balu: Chinese fishing net
K.G. Balu: Chinese fishing net
K.G. Balu: Dr.V.C. Harris
K.G. Balu: A fine balance
K.G. Balu: light Of flOwers
K.G. Balu: Goutham
K.G. Balu: Aleenasa
K.G. Balu: Musical notes ...
K.G. Balu: Grandma
K.G. Balu: Grandma and child
K.G. Balu: Fort Cochi
K.G. Balu: Fort Cochi
K.G. Balu: MorNinG RaGa 2
K.G. Balu: MorNing RaGa