kevinq2000: everlasting house
kevinq2000: My father's day cookies. Giant Giant Chocolate Chip cookies. (Yes, that's "giant" twice. The chips are huge, as are the cookies themselves.)
kevinq2000: Nobody enjoys the hospital, but I want to give special thanks to the #nurses and techs who helped keep me sane while I was here this weekend. They took good care of me and made it much better than it could have been. My third TB test came back negative, s
kevinq2000: The sun finally comes out on my last day in Lincoln.
kevinq2000: "Private Screening." AKA There are no screens in this plane, user your own damn phone.
kevinq2000: Pip has his first bloom. #nofilter
kevinq2000: I found this walking through the park on my way home. Beer can pull tabs were outlawed in the US in the late 1970s, with the last cans finally falling out of circulation in the early '80s. This pull tab is likely a minimum of 40 years old, meaning it's no
kevinq2000: Getting some pizza.
kevinq2000: Boys hanging out at the local used bookstore.
kevinq2000: He's very excited about his fried calamari. #autismlife
kevinq2000: My dude's class participated in a Special Olympics ice skating program over the winter, and today he earned a bronze medal at their final season! I'm so proud of how hard he's worked to get better at skating. #autismlife
kevinq2000: No, dammit, none of that is accurate! Grrrrr! Stupid school.
kevinq2000: Out for lunch with my dudes.
kevinq2000: Thor is pacing around the house, reciting all Disney movies in chronological order. All of them... #Pixar movies listed separately. #autismlife #respectthestim #thelongdarkteatimeofthesoul
kevinq2000: Loki is getting to the age where he can do basic and intermediate Lego sets by himself.
kevinq2000: I'm reading the first Harry Potter book to the boys (and to @jillofavonlea) and I was surprised how affecting I found the chapter on the Hogwarts Express, as the book introduced so many people who will be so important to the story (and to Harry) over the
kevinq2000: Resting after decorating their tree. #christmas #tree #autismlife
kevinq2000: And now my house smells like gin. I hope you're happy, @angelrtrev. (I know that @jillofavonlea is happy.) #christmas #tree
kevinq2000: Seeing the trains at the US Botanic Garden. #morningatthemuseum #matm
kevinq2000: "Family size." Or as we call it in our house, "till Tuesday." #cheerios
kevinq2000: Reading with their dd. #autismlife #dogman
kevinq2000: Thor enjoys watching football games on TV.
kevinq2000: Seeing some animals.
kevinq2000: The Fat Caterpillar. #sushi #truthinadvertising #datenight
kevinq2000: "Hold my beer and watch this!"
kevinq2000: Reading to her dudes.
kevinq2000: Thank you to the anonymous #autismmom with her teenaged son at the Maryland Renaissance Festival who took the time to tell me, "it gets easier." Overall, Thor is really good whenever we go out, even in crowds, and is relatively easy to deal with. But it a
kevinq2000: How to look virtuous while #manspreading. And yes, of course he had a #manbun.
kevinq2000: I work in policy, and even _I_ think there's a lot of jargon in those instructions for my first grader's math problems. What is a "double plus 1?"
kevinq2000: @jillofavonlea asked me to pick up some Nutella because "Loki wants to try it." I'm assuming that's code for "get me the biggest jar."😂😂😂