kevinkusterphoto: Thanksgiving can wonderful for some and hard for others. Yes, the Holliday’s are a time for family and friends but, is also a time when some remember family and friends that are no longer with us. Personally, I am looking forward to 2018 ending. . I heard
kevinkusterphoto: Side-mirror selfie. Always try and capture a photo of myself in whatever vehicle I am traveling in every country I am fortunate enough to visit. The things we do to pass the time and on long road trips! #SideMirrorSelfie #nepal
kevinkusterphoto: Sadhu of Kathmandu, Nepal. Series: 4 of 5. #iPhoneOnly #nepal #pashupatinathtemple #sadhu
kevinkusterphoto: Sadhu of Kathmandu, Nepal. Series: 3 of 5. #iPhoneOnly #nepal #pashupatinathtemple #sadhu
kevinkusterphoto: Sadhu of Kathmandu, Nepal. Series: 2 of 5 #iPhoneOnly
kevinkusterphoto: Sadhu of Kathmandu, Nepal. Series 1 of 5 #sadhu #nepal #pashupatinathtemple
kevinkusterphoto: When I move more deeply into my subjects, I draw close, I always try to move with care and without judgment. While my mind may be racing while contemplating things of a technical nature such as shutter speed, F-stops, composition, framing and lighting; my
kevinkusterphoto: Pablo Picasso once said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” As the sun was still below the mountains and the early morning fog flowed through the village ridge line, I witnessed these three Nepali men begin their work day. Inspired by t
kevinkusterphoto: Almost everything else in life can be replaced, except human life and the memories of those lives. Photographs take us back to the moment, the time, the place, and especially the people we loved and allow us to remember. —Ben Ryder . This Nepali women had
kevinkusterphoto: Early morning Nepal.
kevinkusterphoto: One in nine girls in the developing world is married before she turns 15. Many are not allowed to continue their education after marriage. We saw this young girl and many like her both young and very old smashing rocks with a hammers all day long on the s
kevinkusterphoto: How does one drive around the extremely narrow, winding, rolling mountainous terrain in a colorfully painted Nepali bus? As the driver is blasting his horn to alert on coming traffic around the bend you are about to pass, a assistant safety driver leans o
kevinkusterphoto: Seconds before I snapped this, he had on a pair of glasses and was reading a newspaper. What a amazing pet!
kevinkusterphoto: There is no end to grief so that let's us know their is no end to love. This Nepali man and these young children were all forced to relocate after their homes and possessions were destroyed by the land slides initiated by earthquake two years ago. Tonight
kevinkusterphoto: #DashboardDecorations. What people put on their dashboards and the combinations of those items alway intrigues and fascinates me. Several @wattsoflove trips a go I thought it would be cool to take a photo of every diver and vehicular while diving. Here is
kevinkusterphoto: Once we see the light we know there will be no satisfaction until we experience the sacred. Four year ago my sister Nancy and I visited the Khokana Leprosy colony after helping with the earthquake effort. We promised those living in the colony that we wou
kevinkusterphoto: Heading into Death Valley. My firt LSU Football game and the weather couldn’t be more perfect.
kevinkusterphoto: We just posted a list of up coming trips. Join us! Help deliver solar lights and changes lives; including your own.
kevinkusterphoto: Up early to experience the empty streets of the big easy. Moments before the hurricanes flow and the karaoke fills the air.
kevinkusterphoto: A different perspective of St. Louis Cathedral.
kevinkusterphoto: Warbird symmetry. @eaa
kevinkusterphoto: Have you ever seen someone love a complete strange in a way that you will never forget? Or, have you ever seen someone love another person and know that at that specific moment the recipient would remember that they are not invisible? If you have seen thi
kevinkusterphoto: Had a great spontaneous reunion last night with some of our U4Uganda and Watts of Love team. Although a few folks locally were missing, I believe we were all really missing our leader Father Stan. When I asked him one time what his favorite animal was he
kevinkusterphoto: Over two years ago I put a call out on Facebook looking for someone to help me with our social media needs. Although many raised their hands to help, @butterfly109 not only agreed to help, she has become an invaluable contributor to @wattsoflove in many,
kevinkusterphoto: This is my friend and assistant in Uganda Enyuny Patrick. For every day we were in Uganda, Patrick was there to help me. I will admit I am not easy to keep up with when shooting photos and video. I move around a lot, act like a fool to get the shots I wan
kevinkusterphoto: Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. —Victor Borge Alanga Uganda never looked so bright. Light changes communities. #woluganda2018 #givelight #wol #u4uganda
kevinkusterphoto: Father Phillip Berrigan once said.... “The poor tell us who we are, the profits tell us who we could be, so we hide the poor and kill the profits.” . Although we purposely do not focus our imagery and stories on the hardships, poverty and pain that the pe
kevinkusterphoto: The people is Alenga, Uganda have a hard life. There is no doubt about it. Many, including children as young as 5 years old have to walk or bike for miles and miles to get clean water. For some, clean water is so far that they choose to use dirty water fr
kevinkusterphoto: After photographing this woman in a group photo, she asked interpreter, if I would take a picture with her so she could frame it and put it in her home. Of course I agreed and obligated. Once we completed the photo for her, I said “now we take a special p
kevinkusterphoto: Think of a mix of Naomi Cambell, Tyra Banks and Beyoncé all in one. This young Uganda girl had all the attitude, presence and self confidence of tomorrow’s next worldwide superstar.