(Landscapes) every day is a journey: It all starts with a smile
Carl Vanassche: Walking in Faith
berndtolksdorf1: Am Teich
peter_sossi: Albeggiando
Mat Viv: The Silent Watcher
Michael A64: Wattenmeer - Bensersiel
K.Verhulst: Olifanten Amersfoort
m.gallenkamp: Lighthouse at the End of the World 2
Tóta.: Free Texture by Tóta.
Pinky0173: Black & white
❖Light❖: at the water
Norbert Clausen: Rheinkomet
axel :)(: wherever you go ...
Cajaflez: Kasteel van Dussen in het voorjaar - Castle Dussen in spring
jasonroweart: A Day at the Beach with Giants
Rolf Piepenbring: Habichtskauz
Klaus Kehrls: Terminal Eurogate - 18081601
ojoadicto: el puente cosmico
Abrantes_7: _DSC5874
Bob Alldredge: _MG_3308-You've Been Winked - Bode,CA Ghost Town
Karl Erik Vasslag Photography: Nidelven, Trondheim
Pixelsucht: Manuelskotten / Wuppertal
K.Verhulst: N'Gayla with her twins
K.Verhulst: Witte Afrikaanse leeuw
Mariandl48 ( 10.600.000 views): Wintermorgen im Joglland - Winter morning in Joglland