Peter Hodge: New Zealand Robin, Mangarakau swamp, Westhaven Inlet
James Lees Photography: Great-crested Grebe March 2015
Dave Blinder: Wild Turkeys, Toms displaying
RachidH: DSC_0692
Dave Blinder: Tufted Titmouse
Mark Carmody: White-bridled Finch (Melanodera m. melanodera)
photowarrington: Morning Coffee
` Toshio ': Old Glory on the Tall Ship in Baltimore
sharon.nicks: In the rain
RachidH: DSC_0163
RachidH: DSC_0099
Omygodtom: Twisty and Odd.
gailhampshire: Blue-greened Long Legged Fly - Austrosciapus sp. (A. proximusor connexus) Dolichopodidae
look to see: Tussen scherp en onscherp
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Happy Autumn - 5821b+
Stephen J Pollard (Loud Music Nature Lover): El Malpais National Monument
~fb~: What!?!?
Pete Walkden: Buzzard
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Mule Deer Buck - 5281b+
norasphotos4u: Project 52 - 38/52 Topic - Stack
Mark Schwall: Black Skimmer Skimming Garza real / Grey Heron / Ardea cinerea