MikeCWLee: Right away she knew its got to be him!
MikeCWLee: Please step over the yellow lines
MikeCWLee: He knew there wasn't anything they could do to him, he walked on.
MikeCWLee: Meat The Butcher
ORLANDO GIUSI: Venice by #Jos
ieahn96: 9 a.m. Singapore
jennybalase: If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline - Lee Kuan Yew #TodayMarksHistory #ForeverBeRemembered
ieahn96: Silence and solitude
eliwee.: street view.
jennybalase: healthy start for a whole afternoon 2015 ENCS planning #wearebettertogether
jennybalase: Happy 49th birthday Singapore. May we always be united as one community, one people, one nation! NDP2014:Our People, Our Home #bettertogether #ndp2014
jennybalase: #Repost from @encs_kree8 with @repostapp --- Vision. Unity. Clarity. Jesus centered creative team huddle - mark the date 16 August 2014. #kree8 #teamhuddle #collectiveminds #creativity
jennybalase: preparing for this trip had been an interesting one #mixedemotion #GodisWithUs
charlescurtis: IMG_4144_resize
charlescurtis: IMG_4207-2_resize
charlescurtis: IMG_4206_resize
eliwee.: time for photography.
eliwee.: time for two.
eliwee.: tie your watch.
marvjfm: The Odd One Contains The Antidote
Jinx1303: Tokyo
charlescurtis: Nathan and Jo Portrait - Singapore
Raffy Panes: Transformers only in SG