Andrea Borden: Cataclysm
Andrea Borden: Mossbrae - Temple of Eden
Andrea Borden: Reservoir Trails
stripermjg: Sunset Over Lake
zioquattroterzi: cascatella / waterfall
Prof EuLOGist: Climatic Change - A truth or a Myth?
pmarella: A place in the sun
jeridaking: Portraits of Children at Ormoc's Danhug Dumpsite (A Series)
jeridaking: River Trekking (A Series)
traumlichtfabrik: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." [HDR]
~M~Chelle & her view***: The Butterfly is my Mantra
Kaj Bjurman: Walking the streets of Havana
Faerie Girl: Week 40: what doesn't belong to me
Valpopando: Wakeupsun