]vincent[: DSC01305
]vincent[: Doing the math
]vincent[: Get ready
]vincent[: Let's gooooo number 4!
]vincent[: Yay!!! Jackpot! More beer!
]vincent[: Great outfit!
]vincent[: Marina Bay
]vincent[: Hmm should I?
]vincent[: Ahhhh yessss!
]vincent[: Empty street markets
]vincent[: Little break
]vincent[: TST harbour
]vincent[: Hey buddies!
]vincent[: Hey ladies!
]vincent[: Though the hole
]vincent[: Kowloon life
]vincent[: Kowloon life
]vincent[: Kowloon life
]vincent[: Kowloon life
]vincent[: Eating the bun
]vincent[: Silhouettes
]vincent[: HK, always a great view
]vincent[: Golden light
]vincent[: Through the binoculars