keoshi: Fnac - Nevermore
keoshi: MBP
keoshi: Swiss army knife
keoshi: Cutting the tape
keoshi: Box handle
keoshi: pr0n shot
keoshi: Box
keoshi: Zee Box
keoshi: Front shot
keoshi: Smells new
keoshi: MBP and accessories
keoshi: Manuals/Discs box
keoshi: pr0n shot
keoshi: Everything else
keoshi: Everything Mac
keoshi: Yes, I think so too :)
keoshi: ta-daaaa!
keoshi: Now you made me hungry.
keoshi: Battery indicator and button
keoshi: infrared, open, superdrive
keoshi: Left side connections
keoshi: Right side connections
keoshi: MBP
keoshi: Power button
keoshi: k
keoshi: Power button
keoshi: iSight
keoshi: MBP
keoshi: MBP
keoshi: Layout = Leiaute