kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Ken's birthday. German food.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Woke up from a nap to this mean mugging.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Soundchecking at Chop Suey.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Playing some Wii with the cats. Exhausted.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Napping. Neighbor upstairs won't stop hammering on the floor.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Practicing with the Ladyfriend band for our show Thursday. Working through a new, super short song.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Just left Pints and Pies for Patrick's b-day. Standing outside of a furniture store in Wallingford, about to head home and work.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Watching David Cross standup with this little lady.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Woke up from a nap, and about to go do some Fred Meyer'ing to make a P-I-Z-Z-A.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Working on work. Just ate a delicious plate o' Indian food and listening to Here We Go Magic.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Woody enjoys a very expensive beer as we wait for Gorillaz to play at Key Arena in Seattle.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Listening to Here We Go Magic's new LP and trying to figure out dinner plans.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM. A crap ton of laundry to fold/put away.
kentuckychrome: 8:36 PM: Pho w/ Zach @ Time 4 Pho before Halloweening.
kentuckychrome: 1st installment of 8:36. April at Hooverville before we go to Dr. Dog.
kentuckychrome: Punky's close-up.
kentuckychrome: EL NINO!
kentuckychrome: FxCam_1285216863181
kentuckychrome: Route 66: Amarillo, Texas.
kentuckychrome: Route 66: Clinton, Oklahoma.
kentuckychrome: jumpin' jehosofat.
kentuckychrome: Terry Gold, aka Travis Kleiner.
kentuckychrome: Plane into Seattle.
kentuckychrome: Old rail.
kentuckychrome: Tree in Seattle.
kentuckychrome: Nathan Ellis/Casket Lottery
kentuckychrome: Luke Stemmerman
kentuckychrome: The mean streets of Austin, Texas.