andrewsayer: The ONLY way to eat a #KitKat.
andrewsayer: Chocolate Ripple Cake with Nutella + Peanut Butter #dontjudge
andrewsayer: Django kitty chillin' out. (Read: Not being a terror)
andrewsayer: I've been told to tell you that early Monday morning starts are tough for labradoodles too.
andrewsayer: The big wheel down at Docklands
andrewsayer: Cassie blissing out.
andrewsayer: Ziggy out for the count.
andrewsayer: Can't talk. Eating chocolate souffle.
andrewsayer: Pawty time with a birthday steak and candle for Cassie's dinner tonight. Happy 9th Birthday!
andrewsayer: Happy 9th Birthday Cassie! Thank you for all the funs and loves! Woof!
andrewsayer: Lauren's sausage rolls are magnificent. You should try some. Freshly baked.
andrewsayer: Sleepy Django Kitty
andrewsayer: Chocolate Soufflé. OMG.
andrewsayer: New Instagram is pretty cool. Can tweak a lot more stuff.
andrewsayer: Ziggy (trying to be) being cute.
andrewsayer: Ziggy. Unbelievable. Un-fuggin'-believable.
andrewsayer: Furry spider at Melbourne Museum tonight
andrewsayer: Lauren with a Customs puppy.
andrewsayer: At the desolate wasteland that is Ardeer Station
andrewsayer: Actually got a pic of Ziggy not running around being an idiot.
andrewsayer: Damn cat
andrewsayer: Cassiedoodle
andrewsayer: Wednesday morning #catspam
andrewsayer: Little Django kitty. Meow.
andrewsayer: Ziggy Monster #groodle
andrewsayer: #sunflower
andrewsayer: #airshow C-130J Hercules
andrewsayer: #airshow Pilatus PC-9 - RAAF Roulettes