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Insulator Tree
1760,s French Comtoise/Morbier Clock
1955 International 300 Utility
Welch Wimshurst Machine
The Ray socket set restoration
Possible Auction Items
Antique English Aneroid Barometer
Aunt Marguerite
Unknown Maker OG Clock
Rosenthal Husker Shredder
Bennett 541 Gas Pump
Self Winding Clock Co. No. 37-SS
Seth Thomas "Large Column"
Water Powered Clock
French Ships Wheel Crystal Regulator
1914 Waltham 8 Day Car Clock
Harris stone with D-2
Raingo Freres Clock
ITR Autograph Recorder Mechanism
1926 ITR Autograph Recorder
ITR Dial Punch Clock
French Cherub Clock 1880,s
1785 English Pocket Watch
Canedy-Otto No.0 Post Drill
Southwestern Pottery Display
Bead Work Display
Swamp Milkweed
Prehistoric Scraper
1968 Forester Travel Trailer
Early American Cuckoo Clock Co.
La Musique Newel Post Lamp
The Fisher Boy Newel Post lamp
Salem Ships Clock & Barometer Set
1899 H. JACOT French Carriage Clock
Antique Centrifuge
Victor Talking Machine #VV-IV
Synchronome Electric Master Clock
Cincinnati Master Clock
Edison Diamond Disc C19
1997 Ski-Doo Speedster Upholstery
Antique Winnowing Basket
Southwestern Pottery 11
Southwestern Pottery 10
Southwestern Pottery 9
Southwestern Pottery 8
Southwestern Pottery 7
Southwestern Pottery 6
Southwestern Pottery 5
Southwestern Pottery 4
New Hermes Engraving Machine Model G
Southwestern Vessel #3
Southwestern Vessel #2
Southwestern Vessel #1
1907 Dietz Running Lanterns
McKenney & Hall Prints
Belfort Microbarograph Model 5-800A
Old Car
Jansen Mach. Co. Gear Reducer
French clock and garniture set
Elgin watch
Waltham Trench Watch
Briggs & Stratton FH Engine
Hawkeye Scoop Board
Corn Wagon
corn wagon resto
Steel Wheeled Corn Wagon
William and Bewlah Martin
The pond 6/1/2021
Neat Rock
Alec-Tri-Pup Extension Cord
Early 1900,s French Carriage Alarm Clock
New auction purchases
standard electric clock with led seed lights
Cool Rock
oak ice box
French clock
1982 O-day Daysailer sail boat
1849 French Guardian Angel Clock
Drilled Hard Stone Artifact
S Marti French Clock Movement
National Cash Register 313
Cheer Up Bottle
Portrait Vase Early 1900,s
Warwick Ioga vase
Herschede 230
Open Escapement French Crystal Regulator 1880,s
French Crystal Regulator
Early 1900,s French Clock
Mano & Metate
1920 Wesclox Auto Clock
French Crystal Regulator
Restored French Clock Movement
Hopewell Platform Pipes
french clock restoration
French Clock Pendulum
Antique Infant Moccasins
Bone Tool Sharpening Stones
Angostura Projectile Point
Watchmakers lathe
Kuempel Chime Clock Co.
Lake Red Rock 1/3/2021
Model T engine
Umbilical Fetish
Quartzite Celt
Logan Creek Scraper
Knife River Flint Dickson Point
1920 model T Ford Engine
1920 model t rear brake
Kingston Model L Carburetor
Model T Ford Coils
1920 Model T Ford Center Door
1930,s Dictaphone
Herschede Clock Dial
1970 Hanna Barbera Flintstones Rug
1922 TT Spotlight
Purple Martins 6/30/2020
1922 Ford Magneto headlight bulbs
Pond 6/3/2020
Prehistoric Iowa Celt
Canadian Geese Family at the Pond 2020
Early 1900,s French Newel Post Lamp
Iowa 4/17/2020
Cow Skulls
J.P.Friez & Sons ML-77 Thermograph
GE Telechron #AB8B02 "Executive" Digital Clock
Adena Blade
1871 Elgin National Watch Co. 18K Gold Key Wind Pocket Watch
Dudley Masonic Type 3 Pocket Watch
Patek Philippe 18K gold Pocket Watch 1915-1920
Iowa Found Trade Pipes
1974 Harley Davidson 74 cubic inch
1959 Harley Davidson Duo-Glide
1952 Harley Davidson Panhead
1954 Chevy 210
Atmos Clock Shelf
Arisaka Rifle Type 99 with Type 30 Bayonet
Krag Rifle 100 Round Ammo Belt & Bayonet
Bat Bone
Cool Rock
Dickson Point
Rock Room
Edmonds Scientific 6" Newtonian Telescope
Neat Rock
Purple Martin Lonestar Gourd Rack
Purple Martin Pole
Lepidodendron Fossil
Quartzite Celt
Worm Track Fossil
Lake Red Rock Peace Tree
Native American Coin Purse
1880 Elgin Key Wind Pocket Watch
1927 Hamilton 992 Railroad watch
1950 Bulova watch
1955 Bulova 23 Jewels Watch
Obertino & C. Bronze Cow Bell
Bergeon Bushing Machine
Rostfrei Auto Knife
music box
Early Edison Standard Cylinder Phonograph
Edison Standard Cylinder Phonograph
Columbia Graphophone
Vintage Lucite Watches
New Haven Mantle Clock
Pigeon Race Timers
Montgomery Bro,s Pocket Watch
1880,s French Figural Clock
Hamilton Platinum & Diamond Watch
Waterbury Mantel Clock
1904 Expo Spy Camera
Elgin LED watch
Gruen Precision Alarm Watch
1888 French Clock
E Howard 19 jewel 14K pocket watch
linden Singing Bird Cage
Wyler Incaflex
Parker Little Giants Alarm Clock
1959 Bulova Selfwinding Watch
Elgin SwisSonic Watch
Colonial Herschede Grandfather Clock Dial
Leeds & Northrup Co. Mirror Galvanometer
Decade Resistance Box
L.E. Knott Apparatus Wheatstone Bridge Resistor
Weston #1 DC Millivoltmeter
French Industrie Statue
Cimier Sport Chronograph
1966 Bulova Self Winding Watch
Acoma Pot
1960,s Wakmann Chronograph
1969 Rolex GMT Master
Hopi double bird head pot
early southwestern pot
WW2 Schick Stadimeter
Ball Official RR Standard
Girard Perregaux Gyromatic
1940,s Chronograph Suisse
1940,s Chase Chronograph
40,s Angelus Military Chronograph
International Time Recording Clock
LeCoultre #522 Tuxedo Atmos clock
pond flowers
Magic Lantern
Model TT shotgun mount
Antique Swiss Music Box Restoration
Music Box Restoration
1922 TT Upgrades
Tornado south of the house
McClintock-Loomis Company Clock
French Porcelain Clock
Canadian Geese at the pond 2019
Gilbert Art Nouveau Clock
Kieninger & Obergfell Kundo World Time Clock
Tektronix THS720A
Cincinnati Time Recorder Master Clock
Standard Electric Time Clock
Prehistoric pipe
Pleistocene Bison Skulls
Merycoidodon Culbertsoni (Oreodon)
Bird stone
Agate Basin Point
Iowa Geode
Burroughs Adding Machine
prehistoric artifacts
Birge & Fuller Wagon Spring Clock
Clock Repair room
Bohemian Ruby Glass Container
Davis & Kidder Patent Magneto Electric Machine
Star Pathfinder Compass
1955 Firestone Lawnmower
Silas Hoadley Wood Works Clock
Ansonia Rosalind Clock
Waterbury Commodore Desk Set
1855 John Preston Tower Clock
Concert Roller Organ
The Gem Roller Organ
1930 Model A Ford Tudor
John Deere L111 Automatic
Model TT Ford Truck Bed
Spaulding Model TT truck bed
Canadian geese 2018
Timekeeper SAjohn watch
Faventia Hurdy Gurdy
Waterbury clock Restoration
French Sevres Clock
Ansonia Symbol Extra
French Portico Clock
Airguide Ships Clock and Barometer set
Keuffel & Esser Co. Teaching Slide Rule
Early Dutch Stoelklok
Early English Longcase Clock
French Slate and marble clock
French Joyeux Reveil Clock
Self Winding Clock Co. Telegraph Relay
Western Union Morse Relay 4-C
Mayan Pottery
J.H. Bunnell & Co. Telegraph key & Sounder
chainsaw bears
1922 Model TT Ford
Aichitokei Gallery Clock
Colonial Grandfather Clock 1
Dino the Dinosaur
Osprey Nesting Platform
Antique Cylinder Music Box
Hess Snyder Novelty #13 pump
2007 Hummer H3
Antique Buffet
Dirty Clock Movement
1996 Cadillac Sedan Deville
Park Bench
Automatic Knife Collection
French Vincenti 1855 Clock Movement
French Clock "The White House"
Francois Moreau Clock
late 1800,s French Carriage Clock
Fritz Marti French Clock Movement
A.D.Mougin French Clock Movement 1
1855 Vincenti French Clock Movement
1906 Perfection Scale
New Haven "New Ormond" Auto Clock
Inter-State Auto-Signal
Gilbert Steeple Clock
Thebes Point
Vintage E.SCHMECKENBECHER Singing Bird Cage Cuckoo Clock
Gilbert Clock Movement
Mammatus Cloud Formation
R. Fuess Hygrothermograph
Ingraham Mantle Clock
Canadian Geese 2015
Antique French Musical Snuff Box
unknown fossil
1885 Paillard Music Box
Taylor Barograph
1920,s Christian Becker Analytical Balance Scale
C. Jul Herbertz Automatic Knife
WW2 Navy Pilots Survival Knife
WW2 German Gravity Knife
Antique Drum Microscope
1960,s 7" Rizzuto Estileto Milano Knife
1960,s 8 1/2" Switchblade
1960,s 10" Rizzuto Milano Knife
1960,s 10"Rizzuto Knife
Mexican Switchblade
Hubertus Knives
1880,s French Clock
1908 Sessions Mission Clock
1875 Kuner Brothers Cuckoo Clock
1948 John Deere B
New Haven "Wilson" Banjo Clock
Chung AWC Shanghai Clock
French Mystery Swinger Clock
Letz #80 Burr Mill
Gilbert Jewelers Reg...
Abbeon Hygrometer & Temperature Indicator
Hercules Hygrometer
Henry J. Green Hair Hygrometer
Elgin B.W.Raymond Railroad Watch
Hamilton 992 Railroad watch
James Maspoli Hull Wheel Barometer
Haddon TeeterTotter clock
13" Nicaraguan Pot
1924 Victrola VV-VI Phonograph
Picture frame clock
Early German Wall Clock
Automatic Knives
Benchmade Knives
AKC Italian Stiletto
WW11 Knife
Western Bowie Knife
Case 1838 fighting knife
1904 Ansonia Vendome Iron Clock
1953 United Ballerina musical animated clock
1945 International Harvester LBA Engine
1919 Fairbanks Morse 1 1/2 Z engine
Krag Rifle 30/40 1901
Edison Model C cylinder Phonograph
Grandpa,s Horse Harnesses
Baby Cedar Waxwings
Bell Stand
Vintage Detecto Scales
Antique Cast Iron Planter
Planter at Pond
Vulcan 100 Pound Anvil
1953 Hobart GW-222 Welder
Congreve Rolling Ball Clock
1915 Silvertone Phonograph
Seth Thomas Garfield
Antique Mercury Stick Barometer
H.S.B. & Co. Chicago Thermometer
Antique Aneroid Barometer
Edison Standard Cylinder Phonograph
U S Pump
Buckeye Force Pump
Ansonia Brass and Copper Company Clock
1936 Diamond Gas Powered Iron
1964 Williams Soccer Pinball machine
1954 Emerson Radio 778 B
1937 Farmair Air compressor
Home for Wayward Yard Art
1 1/2 HP Baker Monitor Hit & Miss Engine
1922 Model TT One Ton Truck
Spartan Radio
Barn Beams
1914 Manning & Manning Tower Clock
Vienna Regulator
Old Trunk
Gilbert Steamer no.46 Clock
French Ruffony Clock
New Haven "Column" Clock
Gustav Becker Grande Sonnerie Clock
Taylor Instrument Co Thermograph
1921 Tycos Stormograph Barograph
French Clock
Western Union Clock
Mayer & Bro Eddyville Iowa Crock 3
Leonard Refrigerator
Lux Keebler Pendulette Clocks
Non Magnetic Watch Co. of America watch
A.C.Williams Co. #2 Sad Iron
Ferrosteel Sad Iron
A.C Williams Co. Sad Iron & Trivet
Dover No 62 Sad Iron
International 404 Pedal Tractor
B. W. Raymond Elgin Watch
Knights of Pythias Sword
1941 Farmall H
New Bike
1930,s John Deere 802 Flare Box Seeder Wagon
Bass Boat
1969 Rolex 1675 GMT Master
1904 Quail Cuckoo Clock
Seth Thomas #11 Movement
Seth Thomas #12 Movement
Dietz Lantern
Chauncey Jerome Clock
Seth Thomas Precision clocks
IHC F-4 Magneto
Farmall 560 pedal car restoration
1949 #310 Weston Wattmeter
1935 Farmall F-20
1936 Maytag Model 92 Engine
1937 Maytag Model 72 Engine
Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse # 37 Windmill
Ice Crystals on Wood
Seikosha Musical Carriage Clock
Howard Miller #557
Waterbury "Dexter" Clock
E.N. Welch "Aida"
My AR-15
old clocks
Gas Chandelier
Wagon Running Gear
1966 John Deere 110
WW2 Leland Alternator
McCormick Deering LA
McCormick Deering 1 1/2 HP Engine
Waterbury Restoration
Canadian Goose Nesting Platform
Daisy Clock
Tag Heuer Formula 1 Chronograph
Valentines cards etc.
1849 Charlotte Temple Book
Antique Bottles
Frost & Ice
Wildlife Pics
Vintage Clock Pics
The pond
Gallet Multichron
Stealth Cam
Remington 510/511 Targetmaster 22LR shotgun
German Army Combat Knife
Marlin TDS 22 Caliper Carbine
Hi-Standard H-D Military Pistol
1873 Winchester 44-40 cal.
Vintage Motorcycle Pics
Indian Schools
Native American People
Maori People
Hamilton Military Watch
Springfield rifle
Powder horn
Dial a Smoke Cigarette Machine
Fake J.P. Alleys Hambone 5 cent Cigar Plate
Weller "Louwelsa" Pitcher
John Deere #999 Planter
Elgin 1927 Pocket Watch
Swiss Pin Set Pocket Watch
1927 Elgin Pocket Watch
1916 Elgin Ladies Wristwatch
New Haven Pillar and Scroll Clock
Cincinnati Time Recorder Clock
Scottish Long Case Clock
French Portico Clock
Conrad Felsing French Boulle Clock
13th Hussars Pouch Belt
John Deere #802 Wagon
Antique Walking Plow
Creek at the Pond
Allis Chalmers #2 Plow
Arisaka 38 Rifle
Grand Sonnerie Clock
Military Display Case
1909 Seth Thomas "Cambridge" Clock
French Native American Clock
French Clio Clock
French Figural Clock
Attleboro Clock
1845 French Guardian Angel Clock
French Sapho Clock
1827 English Skeleton Clock
Gilbert Dove Clock
1786 British Light Cavalry Saber
heavy cavalry saber
Heavy Cavalry Civil War Saber
A & K Civil War Saber
1821 R. Johnson rifle
H. W. Mortimer Shotgun
Artillery Shells
M1903 Cartridge Belt
Civil War Powder Flasks
WW1 German M/16 Helmet
1842 Harpers Ferry Smooth Bore Musket
1861 Springfield Rifle