kenmai9: Enjoying a Beer on top of Cloud's Rest, Yosemite
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kenmai9: To the end of Cloud's Rest!
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kenmai9: Yosemite Valley from Cloud's Rest
kenmai9: Half Dome from the edge of Cloud's Rest, Yosemite
kenmai9: Night sky from our campsite at Sunrise Lakes, Yosemite
kenmai9: Half Dome from Cloud's Rest
kenmai9: One of Many Views from Cloud's Rest
kenmai9: Ramona Falls, OR
kenmai9: Joshua Tree Star Trail
kenmai9: Joshua tree in front of the Milky Way Core
kenmai9: Joshua Tree in front of the Milky Way core
kenmai9: Joshua tree during sunrise
kenmai9: Joshua Tree during sunrise
kenmai9: Joshua Tree forest during sunrise
kenmai9: Nightcaps Flesh of the sins Mamcus Trio
kenmai9: Silver Lake Milky Way Portrait 2 Redux
kenmai9: SIlver Lake Milky Way Redux
kenmai9: Keyforge Hematophage Spook
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kenmai9: Milky Way Between the Trees
kenmai9: Leaving Big Pine Around Sunset
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