kenicii: 公園でくろい小型犬に鼻舐められた。
kenicii: クライストチャーチはまだまださら地と、がれきの山と、大規模な工事現場に全て囲まれてて、でも素敵な公園がある、静かな時間がある町でした。
kenicii: おやすみ
kenicii: She is the fluffy jade
kenicii: upload
kenicii: dish backyard 02
kenicii: dish backyard 01
kenicii: dishイベントおつかれさま。 あっという間だったけど、かたちになってみんなにサーブできてたね。
kenicii: so many flightless birds! they are all beautiful and little bit funny:)
kenicii: so many flightless birds around :)) they makes me happy!
kenicii: it's a real bird sanctuary here :))
kenicii: take a walk to cathedral cove in coromandel
kenicii: walkin around cathedral cove:) テクテク
kenicii: Toda bridge fireworks display 2014 :))
kenicii: かえりましょ
kenicii: ずっと昼寝。 ほかほか道路がいいのかな。
kenicii: yay! end of the day camp
kenicii: up to the sky
kenicii: koyomi and her dad
kenicii: i got a pice of fall today
kenicii: i need some spicy chai tea!
kenicii: yagi san
kenicii: buzzzz....
kenicii: @narita
kenicii: micchy the man who can make her smile
kenicii: see your eyes!
kenicii: sleeping beauty on micchy's hands
kenicii: Fly high!!
kenicii: waiting the end of a day @Miura
kenicii: such deep and huge sky