lucaspham_keney: 8 week one shot
lucaspham_keney: week 6 - artistic candy without candy
lucaspham_keney: 7week story forgotten object
lucaspham_keney: Week5 - collage of the ten shots
lucaspham_keney: week4_mirror
lucaspham_keney: WEEK3 - LAND
lucaspham_keney: week 2 - SOOC
lucaspham_keney: week1 - Rule of thirds
lucaspham_keney: 2015-12-04_03-10-47
lucaspham_keney: Octopus Nightmare
lucaspham_keney: areweintherightdirection
lucaspham_keney: PlasticWallformytoyhouse
lucaspham_keney: whattimeisitplease
lucaspham_keney: WhosGonnabefirst
lucaspham_keney: canileaveminehereforasec
lucaspham_keney: 5miniswhatshesaid
lucaspham_keney: ElvisTeenagerpresslay
lucaspham_keney: urbanzombies
lucaspham_keney: whatifidontfollowthem
lucaspham_keney: Saint Paul illumination
lucaspham_keney: IMG_7590
lucaspham_keney: Lights and Plastic spikes like tiny xmas trees
lucaspham_keney: Snow flakes, pinky winter Cap and lights
lucaspham_keney: Sunset xmas light plastic pigeon spikes
lucaspham_keney: Locally made Vancouver
lucaspham_keney: Smiling Hand crafted Xmas snow man head decoration
lucaspham_keney: Smiling Hand crafted Xmas snow man head decoration
lucaspham_keney: Saint Paul Christmas Choir
lucaspham_keney: Saint Paul Illumination