Frank Synopsis:
You're a card
Frank Synopsis:
Weirdest dressed award
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Good thing he took his mask off
Frank Synopsis:
Welcome to my parlor
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All hands on deck!
Frank Synopsis:
Bad ratio of candy/kids -- oof!!
Frank Synopsis:
He must not have had any candy
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Corrupting a minor
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Deluxe delinquincy
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I vant to eat your teeth
Frank Synopsis:
It's just a teapot
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Frank Synopsis:
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Later for y'all
Frank Synopsis:
The Monkey Pope
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Hashing out the getaway plans
Frank Synopsis:
Chillin' in the kidnap van
Frank Synopsis:
Abductor with Chardonnay
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It came from the pumpkin patch
Frank Synopsis:
Disco Pumpkin Patch!
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C'mon in, it's perfectly safe
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We got one, will this do...?
Frank Synopsis:
Nah, let's give this one back
Frank Synopsis:
Dracula needs a dentist
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Devil dude!
Frank Synopsis:
Black nail polish time!
Frank Synopsis:
Cute little dude in toy car
Frank Synopsis:
Art car encounter
Frank Synopsis:
We're givin' it away...