Ken Cheng Photography: Yaletown, Vancouver
Ken Cheng Photography: Northern Harrier (female)
Ken Cheng Photography: The Split Second Before SEO's attempt to pounce on a vole
Ken Cheng Photography: Northern Pgymy Owl with Prey
Ken Cheng Photography: Alexia Fast (actress)
Ken Cheng Photography: Ashley Young (re-edited)
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl in-flight at Dusk
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl combing the marsh at sunset
Ken Cheng Photography: The Ballerina
Ken Cheng Photography: Stephanie (re-edited)
Ken Cheng Photography: Dueling Shorties
Ken Cheng Photography: Ashley Young
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl in-flight
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl Turns on a dime midair
Ken Cheng Photography: (Northern) Harrier... Hovering... Hunting...
Ken Cheng Photography: (Northern) Harrier... Hovering... Hunting
Ken Cheng Photography: Northern Shrike in-flight
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl on a Mission
Ken Cheng Photography: Razani Design
Ken Cheng Photography: Ashley Young
Ken Cheng Photography: Ron Wear (actor)
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl in-flight after Dusk
Ken Cheng Photography: Northern Saw-Whet Owl Sleeping
Ken Cheng Photography: Short-Eared Owl On Approach
Ken Cheng Photography: Bald Eagle at Dawn
Ken Cheng Photography: The Stare (Short-Eared Owl just after eating)