Cheong2011: 2015-11-05_02-07-42
NB 2009: Adieu, Noirette ! Cette adorable chatte est morte le 1er février, âgée de 18 ans et huit mois / Adio, Negruţa ! Adorabila pisicuţă s-a stns pe 1 februarie, avea 18 ani şi opt luni…/Good bye, Blackie ! This adorable car died on February the first, aged 18,
NB 2009: Pisici iarna (1)
kodl68: Misty valley
toscano libero: Tigrotta in verde
saturniine: Magic
JamieMcK2001: I dare you!
toscano libero: Tigrotta
toscano libero: Olivia a colori 2
artiste24artiste241: Good Boy Cat
Jordi Sureda: Follow The Light
toscano libero: Pomeriggio
toscano libero: Grisou in controluce
Rafael Zenon Wagner: powerd by nature
Rafael Zenon Wagner: night traces
JamieMcK2001: Sundae enjoying the good weather
below~tℎe~surface: dancing with memories 🎧
JamieMcK2001: Sunday with Sundae
toscano libero: Molte foto a Ghismo
bunchadogs & susan [off]: snapdragon and the little fat bee
JeffJeviPinto: “once a year go some place you've never been before” ― Dalai Lama
Roya's Renditions: Sunday's Stunning Storm . . .
^ Missi ^: Bella
Kelvinkccheng: "The Grinning Firestorm" Fairview Fire Scorches Hemet, CA - EXPLORED (September 7, 2022)
toscano libero: Sally alla finestra 1
milovancevic.tanja: Bagrem / Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
toscano libero: Risultati delle ultime elezioni