Kelly West Mars: sink smile.
Kelly West Mars: epitome of a pout.
Kelly West Mars: slip-n-slide.
Kelly West Mars: Sea Baby.
Kelly West Mars: Baby's 1st Christmas.
Kelly West Mars: A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.
Kelly West Mars: (sock) monkeying around.
Kelly West Mars: Zoe's Korean Dol.
Kelly West Mars: well-fed.
Kelly West Mars: just like daddy.
Kelly West Mars: wipe out!
Kelly West Mars: business man ; )
Kelly West Mars: Let me introduce you to. . .
Kelly West Mars: fly away with me.
Kelly West Mars: A daughter is a gift of love.
Kelly West Mars: Someone takes the sprinkler very seriously.
Kelly West Mars: Joy is not in things; it is in us.