Kelly Ry: smallbr3
Kelly Ry: smallbr2
Kelly Ry: smallbr1
Kelly Ry: SideYard
Kelly Ry: masterbr2
Kelly Ry: masterbr1
Kelly Ry: LivingRm2
Kelly Ry: LivingRm1
Kelly Ry: Kitchen2
Kelly Ry: Kitchen1
Kelly Ry: House3
Kelly Ry: House2
Kelly Ry: House1
Kelly Ry: Hallway1
Kelly Ry: Bathroom
Kelly Ry: Does it get better than cake pops for dessert?
Kelly Ry: This is a look most teenagers know well.
Kelly Ry: Farvel, Gunvor! Give my love to Denmark!
Kelly Ry: Afternoon snack at Forever Yogurt
Kelly Ry: Shopping! In front of Gunvor's favorite store.
Kelly Ry: Shopping with Gunvor before she heads home
Kelly Ry: The pretty part of Humboldt Park
Kelly Ry: These water bottle refill stations should be everywhere!
Kelly Ry: 2 sparrows
Kelly Ry: AnneNiels-1046
Kelly Ry: AnneNielsBW-1024
Kelly Ry: AnneNiels-1019
Kelly Ry: 200906June_0386