Kelly Orange: 1:365 work holiday party shenanigans. I had to put people to bed.
Kelly Orange: 2:365 Hangover Breakfast
Kelly Orange: 3:365 intoduction
Kelly Orange: Eat orange every day day 4:365
Kelly Orange: Just when I needed it 5:365
Kelly Orange: #taroccosanguinelli wanted in on the collaboration with @mulletpony 6:365
Kelly Orange: 7:365 this is the face you make when you in out of gas on an incline. Upside: The gas station attendant let me use their gas can! #goodcarma #goodkarma
Kelly Orange: Welcome to the world #callahanmichael- 9# 4oz- 1st day & I'm already teaching him to flip off the camera. #funwithauntkiki 8:365
Kelly Orange: 9:365 collaboration Kitchen with Sam the Cooking Guy
Kelly Orange: 10:365 2 day old Callahan
Kelly Orange: 11:365 the only drunk munchies I have are cucumbers soaked in hot sauce
Kelly Orange: Tonight's required reading, courtesy of my dad. Apparently Christmas happens via fedex on January 22nd. 12:365
Kelly Orange: 13:365 white buffalo
Kelly Orange: 14:365 brewed Beet Buckwheat gluten free ale
Kelly Orange: 15:365
Kelly Orange: 16:365 chef bands! 4th concert of 2014!
Kelly Orange: CubaKelly is missing @tastywavescantina on this Tasty Tuesday. @drewdomkus @dawnmiceli @azstever #tastywaves #dnd365 17:365
Kelly Orange: 18:365 by the light if bob's burgers
Kelly Orange: My coworker made an anatomically correct orange peel man. Brings new meaning to #eatorangeeveryday 19:365
Kelly Orange: 20:365 Where did I leave my banana?
Kelly Orange: They say to hang things eye level. I took that literally. @elgrantocayo @exist1981 21:365
Kelly Orange: Teaching Wyatt the colors while drawing on the furniture with chalk. Best Aunt Ever 22:365
Kelly Orange: Medusa Monday 23:365
Kelly Orange: Tonight I learned that a stoneware casserole dish is not a Dutch oven (in the culinary sense of course). ⚡️crack⚡️ My boss, just this morning, told me & @retail_sp that you must #fail in life to be successful. I'm ok with the fact that #iknownothing 24:36
Kelly Orange: 25:365
Kelly Orange: I bought this cd 12 years ago! Original 10 songs... 1 more week until I get to dance my ass off to them live again! @thedevilmakes3 #dm3 #devilmakesthree #thedevilmakes3 26:365
Kelly Orange: 2 cakes baked and a two year old's birthday party. I'm beat. 27:365
Kelly Orange: Safety First... No actually, brush your teeth first. It's an enclosed space in this mask 28:365
Kelly Orange: 29:365 - this kid... Zombie animals & King Diamond above her bed! Haha
Kelly Orange: At least once a week I forget to take a pic until I'm already in bed. Boring old lady. 30:365