Kelly Orange: Today has been a really weird, kinda stressful day so far. A motor home dropped a bike in the lane next to me causing a pile up - which I watched happen in slow motion with all the crunching and clashing of metal. Then the top of the sugar pourer fell off
Kelly Orange: #taroccosanguinelli mud ball. I feel very sorry for @rebeccadunaway & her backyard. He may never be welcome back. 1 weekend watching T = 2 weeks of watching Esme easy.
Kelly Orange: #cocorosie @bellyuptavern a little bit of opera, a little bit of beat box, a little bit of harp, a little bit of weird noises and a whole lotta awesome. Their sound and voices are so unique it always gives me chills.
Kelly Orange: Happy Birthday Miss #AtlasNavarro! I can't wait to teach you all the things and show you what #funwithauntkiki looks like. Congrats @jaylynngold & @pelagicprovisions !!
Kelly Orange: The hoarder in me is extremely depressed that I just scoured my studio for markers/crayons/colored pencils only to realized I donated my whole stash months ago while on a decluttering rampage. Stupid Japanese decluttering book that didn't even work right.
Kelly Orange: Chilaquiles @ninetenlajolla this morning after horrible traffic.
Kelly Orange: I ate so many great things today and now I can't wait until @sdrestaurantwk #SDRW
Kelly Orange: #Weezer
Kelly Orange: Pre Weezer Mule & Mussels @seaandsmoke #seaandsmoke
Kelly Orange: Just when you thought I couldn't get any oranger. #eatorangeeveryday #yleo #tangerine
Kelly Orange: The American Dream Waffle from @gelatoveroupstairs with a side of vanilla gelato. Apple pie for lunch!! #gelatovero
Kelly Orange: Not a bad spot for a morning meeting - #SDRW IS COMING!
Kelly Orange: Orangey after dinner candy. Thought they couldn't top that meal, but they did. #eatorangeeveryday #caffecalabria
Kelly Orange: Edward bananahands. This $#!+ is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Kelly Orange: This #dragonfruit is sleepy.
Kelly Orange: 365 days ago I had just about enough of this beautiful beast. 16 years of faithful service and the next day I ushered in a new era of orange transportation. Oddly enough, I still see it almost every day as the guy I traded it to sold it to the sign shop 1
Kelly Orange: Sungolds make me want to #eatorangeeveryday
Kelly Orange: I swore I wasn't going to drink for a while after my epic weekend but I was easily persuaded by a screaming child, her mother who rarely drinks who was eyeing the tequila, and a bowl full of watermelon. Only problem - no limes in the house - but that's no
Kelly Orange: My face did not make it into this year's #wiscornsin photo. This will just have to do 🌽🌽🌽🌽 #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: They're always working on the bar! Every year there are new additions. #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: Blow darts are a new fave. #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: Friends. #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: Accidental awesomeness. Pretty much how the entire night looked. #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: Best glow costume! @kim_the_imaginary_friend #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: #DAWNAPADREWZA glowy sunset
Kelly Orange: Games all day. Games all night. #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: Beer pong #DAWNAPADREWZA
Kelly Orange: #DAWNAPADREWZA pre-game