Kelly Orange: Sketchbook
Kelly Orange: English paper money looks way cooler than American
Kelly Orange: Doggy details
Kelly Orange: Doggy details
Kelly Orange: Between
Kelly Orange: Some may never know the true value in hair dryers
Kelly Orange: Units of measure
Kelly Orange: I don't know where this is going
Kelly Orange: It do you can #artjournal #sketchbook #ink
Kelly Orange: Just a lil somethin' for you
Kelly Orange: A consistent ingredient in art making in he last few months have been tears. #nofilter
Kelly Orange: Fuchsia & Ochre
Kelly Orange: A monologue by idle hands
Kelly Orange: While most of my coworkers are at a padres game, I'm stuck staring at this #iamnotbitter
Kelly Orange: Gettin' sketchy
Kelly Orange: Have you seen this bird? It's number 641.
Kelly Orange: Slice of my life pt 2
Kelly Orange: Preparing for a Walking Dead season 2 marathon with a Season 1 marathon.
Kelly Orange: Walkers
Kelly Orange: Slice of my life
Kelly Orange: Icecreamavore
Kelly Orange: Ice Cream Party!!!