Kelly Orange: Amber is the color of your energy...
Kelly Orange: This band opened my eyes to so many different kinds of music.
Kelly Orange: Sublime 223/365
Kelly Orange: Black mission figs...
Kelly Orange: Spartacus was the ultimate winner
Kelly Orange: Tom finney was almost a winner
Kelly Orange: Goldfish Racing anyone?
Kelly Orange: Goldfish racing is super fun - can't you tell? 222/365
Kelly Orange: Happy to have lots of places to be today- a short stop at home before a yoga party! 221/365
Kelly Orange: Graffiti eggplant
Kelly Orange: Hydration station!!
Kelly Orange: Wing Bean
Kelly Orange: My heart has deceived me. & my eyes see false representations 220/365
Kelly Orange: Stairs
Kelly Orange: Love the weird purple blob 219/365
Kelly Orange: Sun sure is bright
Kelly Orange: Mahi & Cuda
Kelly Orange: I almost forget 218/365
Kelly Orange: Cheap drinks + east county elk's lodge = making out with horned animals 217/365
Kelly Orange: Get in shape girl... Wearing all my old clothes! 216/365
Kelly Orange: Arugula!
Kelly Orange: Oh, did you want some?
Kelly Orange: I meant what I said, it wasn't an echo. 215/365
Kelly Orange: Would you drink black water?
Kelly Orange: I had orange raspberries!
Kelly Orange: I got orange raspberries!!
Kelly Orange: Rachel made me gluten free peanut butter & jelly cookies!
Kelly Orange: Hehehe veggiep0rn
Kelly Orange: Felt much better tonight... 214/365