Kelly Orange: Write me a letter
Kelly Orange: Paint more. Think less.
Kelly Orange: Influences 329/365 - epic night of artmaking
Kelly Orange: Chemistry
Kelly Orange: <3 328/365
Kelly Orange: Shelter
Kelly Orange: Not exactly sure what I just painted, but I think it might be upside down octopus with 7 arms. Might be.
Kelly Orange: Super into purple right now, and coincidentally I've been listening to the album by that name by STP on repeat this week.
Kelly Orange: Blood in my hair. Booze on my lips. Trouble. 327/365
Kelly Orange: Tripped a Breaker on Sentimental Heart by She & Him No really, that just happened. My Love Story/Love My Story. 326/365
Kelly Orange: #orange
Kelly Orange: Let go
Kelly Orange: #letgo
Kelly Orange: #letgo
Kelly Orange: #letgo
Kelly Orange: Love it already #letgo
Kelly Orange: Solace
Kelly Orange: Rock out
Kelly Orange: Happy Accident
Kelly Orange: Record & Release 2
Kelly Orange: I could hold onto that for you.
Kelly Orange: Record & Release
Kelly Orange: <3 orange blossom special
Kelly Orange: #dawnapadrewza 283/365
Kelly Orange: I <3 @dawnmiceli & @drewdomkus & can't wait to hug them in 3.5 days #dawnapadrewza 282/365
Kelly Orange: Shit just got serious
Kelly Orange: A part I like, mixing ink 228/365
Kelly Orange: Print prep 227/365
Kelly Orange: It's an upside down world 194/365