Kelly McCarthy:
Aaron waiting for the Metro
Kelly McCarthy:
Downtrodden zombies wait for trains
Kelly McCarthy:
Our view of the crowd
Kelly McCarthy:
Our distant view (zoomed) of the last jumbo tron
Kelly McCarthy:
Lady in tree
Kelly McCarthy:
Our view of the crowd 2
Kelly McCarthy:
Climbing U-hauls for sanity
Kelly McCarthy:
Jumbo tron in zoom
Kelly McCarthy:
Our view of the crowd 3
Kelly McCarthy:
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear banner
Kelly McCarthy:
Palin/Voldemort 2012 sign
Kelly McCarthy:
Obama More Cowbell sign
Kelly McCarthy:
Our Capitol in the distance
Kelly McCarthy:
The crowd continues as far as the eye can see down 7th
Kelly McCarthy:
The Washington Monument in the distance
Kelly McCarthy:
Bear Threats
Kelly McCarthy:
And climbing traffic signals for sanity
Kelly McCarthy:
...and walls
Kelly McCarthy:
Swedish Chefs for Sanity (Bork!)
Kelly McCarthy:
Turn around while you still can...
Kelly McCarthy:
Crowd overflow seating