Kelly McCarthy: My baby loves to swing.
Kelly McCarthy: Thankful for this bundle of energy & joy serenading the family at our first Thanksgiving.
Kelly McCarthy: Sharing a meal and some love today in downtown CHA at #onetablecha. Just what we need right now.
Kelly McCarthy: Daddy & Oz taking Foxy on her first undersea voyage. (Be afraid!) #pufferhumor
Kelly McCarthy: Watching my boys.
Kelly McCarthy: Because we all need a reason to smile today, I give you baby on park bench.
Kelly McCarthy: Oscar the octopus! Many thanks to @little_miss_mag_elc for capturing his glee on Monday!
Kelly McCarthy: Breakfast time at our house goes a little something like this.
Kelly McCarthy: Oscar & I had a blast teaching & demonstrating the basics of "Baby Led Weaning" for the teachers at LMM today! He had no trouble eating his breakfast while 30 ladies stared at him. Way to go buddy!
Kelly McCarthy: Lovely view of the harbor over dinner. #latergram
Kelly McCarthy: Look closely and you'll see an idiot on his phone (with earbuds!) riding on the back of a motorcycle.
Kelly McCarthy: Camouflage.
Kelly McCarthy: Me & Mom.
Kelly McCarthy: My girl is everywhere! #inhercorner @girlsincchatt
Kelly McCarthy: Crafting with Macy. And, yes, we did get a temporary tattoo to stick to a PostIt Note!
Kelly McCarthy: Brighten your day.
Kelly McCarthy: Enjoying TGH CHA student presentations at Eastgate Library. @chattlibrary
Kelly McCarthy: Chromebook delivery day at Eastgate! So exciting! #techgoeshomecha #latergram
Kelly McCarthy: It's Monday! Wu wu! #walkinghome
Kelly McCarthy: Oh, TN DOT! You're so creative! You certainly know how to slow down traffic. #trafficsafetyawareness
Kelly McCarthy: You give me snow, I build a Snow Cat!
Kelly McCarthy: That's 8.5" of accumulation in North CHA! Just in case you were wondering. #snowday
Kelly McCarthy: Imagine being 82 and walking out in the snow for the first time... Our 17yr old indoor kitty Dakota meets the great white for the first (and probably only time). What the heck! #YOLO
Kelly McCarthy: Well, we asked for it! (Snow! 6" and still counting.)
Kelly McCarthy: Who ya gonna call? Lego Ghostbusters! #christmaslatergram
Kelly McCarthy: Holy smokes! That's a lot of moonshine. (Happy to report I made it through.) #latergram
Kelly McCarthy: Capping off an already great day with a lovely NYE dinner with friends! Au revoir 2014! Hola 2015!
Kelly McCarthy: Tubin' with the Meyer family. Freezing fun with wonderful friends (+moonshine!)--an excellent farewell to 2014!
Kelly McCarthy: First rule of Lumberjack Feud: you NEVER talk about Lumberjack Feud. #lumberjackfeud
Kelly McCarthy: Lovely Indian Christmas dinner with our wonderful friends & family! Big hugs to our friends & family who couldn't make it tonight. We missed you!