Teolc Eniger: Pif Paf Boum!
Teolc Eniger: « Gourmandise, paresse, luxure : ce sont les trois vertus cardinales, les vertus de la Fête. Le Paradis sur terre. »
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: The Ulitimage Photo Shoot Location - Targeting Earth Photographs From Orbit
morosphinx: rouge bleu
Shannon Louise Peck: Weather Bird [Explored]
Jochen Bongaerts: Free as a bird
Feathered Trail Photos: Monkey at the Gates
James I Barber: Sky burn
Space Cowboy!!: The best Fathers day ever!
tikitonite: Round-Up @ Dusk
SalemBafaraj: Happy New Year 2013
e600-Stu: Poppy Sky! - [Explored]