Kelly K in SF: Matrimandir, the Meditation Temple Created by The Mother in Auroville
Kelly K in SF: Ganesha in the Beautiful Oasis that is Auroville, the Experimental City Founded by The Mother, Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual Partner
Kelly K in SF: The Lovely Greeter, Wearing her Necklace of Golden Bells, at the Ganesha Temple in Pondicherry
Kelly K in SF: PICT0084
Kelly K in SF: PICT0081
Kelly K in SF: PICT0083
Kelly K in SF: Sadhana with Ganesha in Auroville
Kelly K in SF: PICT0080
Kelly K in SF: One of Amma's Beautiful Sacred Cows, to Whom Pooja is Performed Every Day
Kelly K in SF: The Lovely Grounds of the Golden Temple of Sri Narayani Amma in Southern India
Kelly K in SF: Ancient Hanuman in Pushkar
Kelly K in SF: The Goddess Ganga Riding her Crocodile
Kelly K in SF: Lovely Lake Pushkar in Pushkar, Rajasthan, the site of the only Brahma Temple in the World
Kelly K in SF: Mural at a Palace in Jaipur - Ganesha is Everywhere in India !
Kelly K in SF: The Cow that Wanted to Eat my Offerings to Ganga
Kelly K in SF: Kelly with Sidewalk Baba & his Monkey Julie
Kelly K in SF: Mural in the Sanctuary
Kelly K in SF: Ganesha over the Ganga
Kelly K in SF: This Flute Maker Enchanted Us by Playing his Wares All Day Long on the Asi Ghat
Kelly K in SF: Boats on the Ganga
Kelly K in SF: Nepalese Temple on the Ganga
Kelly K in SF: The Market in Old Varanasi
Kelly K in SF: Sacred Cow Foraging in the Narrow Streets of Varanasi
Kelly K in SF: A Very, Very Old Ganesha
Kelly K in SF: Ancient Sacred Banyon Tree - with Kites Caught in its Branches
Kelly K in SF: Ritual Bathing in the Holy Waters of the Ganga
Kelly K in SF: Tiny Temple To Ganesha & Shiva on the Bank of the Ganga
Kelly K in SF: White Ganesha
Kelly K in SF: View from the Upper Terrace of our Yoga & Dhrupad Sanctuary
Kelly K in SF: Our Yoga & Dhrupad Sanctuary in Varanasi on the Asi Ghat