kellyjeanne: We live in a blue city in a red state. Local free paper is published on Wednesday. WTF indeed.
kellyjeanne: Headed home after a long weekend to celebrate our 19th anniversary. ❤️🌈👫
kellyjeanne: Planning.
kellyjeanne: Spotted in the street last night. #latergram
kellyjeanne: Getting really close to finishing a project I started almost a year ago.
kellyjeanne: Big ass G&T
kellyjeanne: That, my friends, is a frozen Gin & Tonic.
kellyjeanne: Four Minute Hug!
kellyjeanne: Princepesa Polkadot.
kellyjeanne: The Fat one, Piggy Von Lumpenstein, at slumber.
kellyjeanne: Polkadot has discovered our full length mirror and is very disturbed by it.
kellyjeanne: Peanut
kellyjeanne: Pegasus
kellyjeanne: One view from the couch
kellyjeanne: ♫These are the people in our neighborhood...♫
kellyjeanne: Tunnel with lightshow
kellyjeanne: I could sit here every day.
kellyjeanne: That's @chadfowler in our living room in a lawn chair with a beer in the cup holder
kellyjeanne: New apartment!
kellyjeanne: Pharoah Sanders
kellyjeanne: Out for an after dinner stroll
kellyjeanne: morning
kellyjeanne: BANANA PUDDING I WIL EAT YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!