eva.in.wonderland: Me and Quentin had a shopping date today 😁
eva.in.wonderland: We took Alex to his school skate night at the same Skate Zone that me and Jon went to as kids! It was amazing, and was such a blast from the past.
eva.in.wonderland: We visited a friend the next day and Alex made snowmen and went sledding for the first time!
eva.in.wonderland: Quentin practiced his snowball making technique
eva.in.wonderland: Snowballs were made!
eva.in.wonderland: Straight from Spring-y weather to a snowstorm! The boys just had to get out there! (I stayed warm inside 😄)
eva.in.wonderland: Just look at this handsome man in the forest. 🌳❤️🌳
eva.in.wonderland: We’ve had some beautiful weather for January! So happy to share this nature-adventure with my boys!
eva.in.wonderland: Im grateful to spend some time with my dad now that kids are back in school. ❤️🌳
eva.in.wonderland: The day before Back to School, the kids got their flu shots. I made it up to them with chocolate donuts 😆
eva.in.wonderland: Alex has So! Much! Fun!
eva.in.wonderland: We had a family trip to #franklinparkconservatory before the end of winter break!
eva.in.wonderland: Alex, man of science. He’s serious about it too!
eva.in.wonderland: Jon + David
eva.in.wonderland: Grandma made some beautiful jeans blankets for each of the boys! Quentin was ready to snuggle up and sleep!
eva.in.wonderland: We spent the day at Grandma’s house after opening gifts at home.
eva.in.wonderland: Alex is pretty thrilled with his science kit and new iPad 😍
eva.in.wonderland: Quentin immediately got to work on stocking the kitchen!
eva.in.wonderland: Quentin unwrapped his kitchen and kept saying “What?! What!?” Then he started giggling with joy!
eva.in.wonderland: This is Alex’s utter shock that Santa actually brought him the “bucket of oil” that he’s asked for since last Christmas!
eva.in.wonderland: Christmas morning! Eagerly awaited by all of us! 😄
eva.in.wonderland: I didn’t get any excellent pics of this guy, but that’s because he was in the background making everything run so smooth. We couldn’t do it without him. ❤️🙏
eva.in.wonderland: Quentin: “can I be next?”
eva.in.wonderland: Thankful for these beautiful ladies!! Wish I could have gotten a pic with my mom too but the chaos intruded.
eva.in.wonderland: Myles loved his hot wheels and track!
eva.in.wonderland: I love the chaos of 5 kids opening gifts at once 😍😍😍
eva.in.wonderland: Alex was stoked to receive blank paper for drawing!
eva.in.wonderland: Christmas with Grandma and the cousins! We had so much fun ❤️
eva.in.wonderland: This guy is looking a lot bigger in the dentist’s chair than he used to! He did great and did it with style. No cavities!
eva.in.wonderland: Quentin, brushing his teeth. I just love this photo. He’s in that phase between baby and kid. Grown up but so so little. I hope this photo doesn’t embarrass him when he’s older. 😆