Kelisli: Aeriel View of Opera or Ibrahim Pasha Square Ataba El-Khadra Square, and Ezbekieh Garden, Among Other Famous Downtown Cairo Landmarks.
Kelisli: HH Khedive Mehmet Tewfik of Egypt and The Sudan
Kelisli: HH Kedive Tewfik Pasha
Kelisli: Egyptian Pasha (Possibly a Minister) Wearing Official Court Dress Uniform and Insignia of a Grand Cordon of The Order of The Nile.
Kelisli: Offical Uniform Button With Old Khedivial Coat of Arms.
Kelisli: Khedive's Sudan Campaign War Medal, Observe
Kelisli: Khedive's Sudan Campaign War Medal, Reverse
Kelisli: Khedive's Sudan Campaign War Medal Observe, Close Up
Kelisli: Khedive's Sudan Campaign War Medal Reverse, Close Up
Kelisli: Clasps of Khedive's Sudan Campaign War Medal
Kelisli: An Invitation for A Celebration of King Farouk's Birthday
Kelisli: A Brigadier General (Miralay) in The Royal Egyptian Navy.
Kelisli: Badge of a Member of Parliament (Deputy).
Kelisli: A Commemorative Red Crescent and Red Cross Medal with a Minor Coat of Arms of The Kingdom of Egypt, Circa 1940.
Kelisli: HM King Farouk I of Egypt on The Balcony of Montaza Palace, Alexnadria, Egypt.
Kelisli: TM Queens Nazli, The Queen Mother and Queen Farida of Egypt Attending Parliament.
Kelisli: Kingdom of Egypt Certificate with Sultanic State Coat of Arms
Kelisli: Powder Room in Either The Royal Palace of Abdin or Kubbeh Palace, Cairo, Egypt.
Kelisli: Khedivial Egypt, Downtown Cairo About 1881.
Kelisli: HI&RH Princess Neslishah Osmanoglu of Turkey (HRH Princess Mohamed Abdulmonein of Egypt), Circa 1953.
Kelisli: HH Princess Iffet Hassan, Granddaughter of HH Khedive Ismail the Egypt, Circa 1911.
Kelisli: Visiting Card of HRH Princess Faika of Egypt, Back. Note Addressed to HM King Fouad II, in Exile.
Kelisli: Port Said's Architecture, Egypt, Late 1800s
Kelisli: De Lesseps Square in Beautiful Port Said City, Egypt, Circa 1870
Kelisli: HH Khedive Ismail Pasha of Egypt
Kelisli: Mohamed Said Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt
Kelisli: Photograph of Ismail Pasha the Magnificent, Khedive of Egypt
Kelisli: Ferdinand de Lesseps with Grand Cross of Legion of Honor
Kelisli: Ferdinand de Lesseps in His Youth
Kelisli: A View of Cairo From Atop The Mosque of Mohamed Aly Pasha, Circa 1862