Trinimusic2008 -blessings: "Joyeuse travailliste ay!" "Happy Labour Day!"
Trinimusic2008 -blessings: Quincy's photo of sunrise
Heidi's_PaSSioNs ღ: Staying cosy
Bea Croes: Sunset
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 青山坪咖啡農場 河津櫻
Rebecca Ang: Between two worlds I
Rebecca Ang: Duke of Portland Boathouse
Trinimusic2008 -blessings: "What if I enjoy life for what it is right now instead of stressing about what I am yet to get out of it."
Lyutik966: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
donnacurrall: Going to the Polls
beguilingfaces: Harley and her Hyena
ltodd1: Cabin Sam caretakes......
Pervez 183A: plane back where it is usually parked !!!
nature photographer.: hyacinth flower
ltodd1: Spidy's like tulips too!
Stehouwer and Recio: Hundred islands , Philippines
carogray1: Spetses silhouettes
Colorado Sands: Light Post
Pervez 183A: Dubai 31Dec18.05
carolynthepilot: Fun, Fun, Fun
Anamae .: Evolution
carolynthepilot: CHIHULY GLASS
rosiespoonerphotos: Mevagissey in the sunshine
D_Pardo: Placid
CrazyFrogLady: 8 Point Whitetail Buck.........
Minsh: seaworld
Joan M: Wood Duck - close up
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: Photographer's dream...... Bamburgh