keioka on the move: #rainyevening makes #tiny #pool #everywhere #ontheground #morninglight helps to create #reflection on the #pool until #tropicalsun #evaporate them all.
keioka on the move: #fineweather #thismorning here at #pagodastreet in #singapore this should be #thelast #shooting #place for #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #superfine #weather here at #dhobyghaut in #singapore on #mondaymorning #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #rightafter i took this #suddenly #heavyrain #started we can do #nothing but #wait at #keongsaikroad #singapore #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: After #morningshower it became #hotandsteamy #sweaty afternoon here at #princepstreet where #singapore #legend #bluesjoint #roomfulofblues existed. #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #goodmorning #everybody #instaweather from #hougang #singapore on #rainysaturday
keioka on the move: #another #steamy #afternoon at #Chinatown in #singapore #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #sunny and #steamy day here at #arabstreet in #singapore #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #goodmorning #singapore #imhere at #marinabarrage #thismorning with #instaweather #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #lastshooting place #today we all #exhausted #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: Afternoon #lebanesecoffee time at #hajilane #singapore #detectiveconan
keioka on the move: #herecomesthesun after #morningshower in #singapore #goodmorning #everyone here’s #instaweather report #foryou
keioka on the move: #freshweek has started with #blur #gloomy #weather in #singapore so I took #blurphoto on #gloomymonday with #gloomyfeeling
keioka on the move: #goodmorning #singapore it’s #rainytuesday
keioka on the move: We all need #darkness #toseethelight