Rakeru Space: Gabrielle <3
Gigiholy: Twins
Gigiholy: My Twins, finally
Gigiholy: My Twins
Rakeru Space: Enni Pre order
AaloriRian: WTB MNF Liria
chiefzanghi: Two WIP Pics from Caroline :D Can u guess who? #bjd #dollstagram #doll
viridian house: Editing #faceup pics for upload, and it's all about the ~sparkly eyes~! #bjd #oscareyes
PrincessEv: ♔ Bronwen ♔
chiefzanghi: I am completely in love with this Rin, her eyes are so gentle.. #doll #dollstagram #bjd
Lola · Atelier Momoni +: 😗 hello you~ #havingfun #doll #bjd #artistdoll #sculpting #ateliermomoni
♥..Nomyens..♥: Lillycat TS head
♥..Nomyens..♥: Lillycat TS head
Rakeru Space: Atwlier Momoni Reira
Rakeru Space: Atwlier Momoni Reira
Rakeru Space: Atelier Momoni Rei
Rakeru Space: Atwlier Momoni Reira
Rakeru Space: September Make Up opening
Pauline's doll box: summer end still so hot
Pauline's doll box: summer end still so hot
Pauline's doll box: summer end still so hot
dollsnbutterflies: IMG_1070 1
Dancing*Butterfly: Blue Dream
Eludys: MNF Mirwen Mod on DoA