kedorcey: Buddy likes to "help" with the leaves
kedorcey: a lone dandilion...
kedorcey: Buddy likes to hang out on the deck, keeps an eye on the park.
kedorcey: So, I bought a new house :)
kedorcey: Time to work...removing wall paper-ugh!
kedorcey: a bit of a frosty morning in wolverine lake
kedorcey: The view of my backyard...
kedorcey: ...and into the park that is behind my house!
kedorcey: Jeff, as a deadly zombie.
kedorcey: we look great, dont we?!
kedorcey: Getting ready to look...dead?
kedorcey: Longs Orchard
kedorcey: Go Team Malley! We love you Meg!
kedorcey: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
kedorcey: hero.
kedorcey: she might need an agent... :)
kedorcey: MKM <3
kedorcey: Avery
kedorcey: I heart fall!
kedorcey: love me some sunflowers
kedorcey: It was so hot, but the light so perfect!
kedorcey: Mmm, apple pie...
kedorcey: 09.11.2011...we will never forget
kedorcey: A bun in the oven!
kedorcey: Aunt Meghan and Andrew (check out his bib!)
kedorcey: She is definitely loved!
kedorcey: Lets Beat This Thing! Mmm, cake!
kedorcey: She gives US hope!
kedorcey: *smooch!*