Steve took it: rain, I don't mind
Steve took it: leftover drops
Trey Ratcliff: Fourth on Lake Austin
curlyson: Evening light
LynchburgVirginia ★: A taste of last spring
Jot Ramdass Singh: Cherry Blossom Way
Hard-Rain: Whitetail in Snow
jack4pics: Watching The Day
Matt Champlin: Moraine Lake
danny.hammontree: Hell Awaits You!
OLD SKOOL Cora: Got milk?
froodmat: cool kids
algo: The Avenue trees in mists and sun
hodge: Ready for Company
Imapix: Vagabondage*
davefigley: San Diego
iso100: View from Dairy Farm Road
fd: Road to heaven
Yrigoyen): kitchen
Ottoman42: Fire Dancers
Computer Science Geek: Goldenrods, blue barn, Lanzerac Farm, Bailieboro, ON
Benjamin Postlewait: Fun With Traffic Control!
Amelia PS: Relaxing at the front of the sail boat, Eolie, Italy
hackdaddy: Rainbow Glow