KCG Photo: Greater Sage Grouse Lek
KCG Photo: Greater Prairie Chickens
KCG Photo: Greater Prairie Chickens
KCG Photo: 20180403_084351_flickr
KCG Photo: Dancing at the Lek
KCG Photo: Dancing at the Lek
KCG Photo: Iceland Gull
KCG Photo: Iceland Gull
KCG Photo: Northern Shrike
KCG Photo: Tanager
KCG Photo: Unknown Accipiter
KCG Photo: Unknown Warbler
KCG Photo: Tern, tern, tern
KCG Photo: Battle for the Box!
KCG Photo: Why did that stick have to be there...
KCG Photo: Sweet, sweet, sweet
KCG Photo: Yellow Warbler
KCG Photo: Hiding Ball of Fuzz
KCG Photo: Nesting
KCG Photo: Eastern Phoebe
KCG Photo: Prothonotary Warbler
KCG Photo: Palm Warbler
KCG Photo: Tree Swallow
KCG Photo: Raccoon
KCG Photo: Wood Ducks
KCG Photo: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
KCG Photo: Eastern Towhee
KCG Photo: Pine Warbler
KCG Photo: Leucistic Robin
KCG Photo: Horned Grebe