Casey Collings: Sunday morning.
Casey Collings: Photo by Mormor @itasthlm.
Casey Collings: He's a happy kid 99% of the time. Which is why I thought it was important to capture the not-so-fun moments. Dealing with a cold.
Casey Collings: The hunter has become the hunted. Mason emerges victorious.
Casey Collings: Today we took our Christmas card photos. The little guy needed a prop to get the job done right. Say "ink"!
Casey Collings: Didn't make it to the beach this year due to Matthew so here's one from last year.
Casey Collings: Mason made a new friend while out for an evening stroll.
Casey Collings: Me and HC. Photo by @itewk.
Casey Collings: Opening Day, 2016
Casey Collings: Obligatory Chicago selfie.