kazzikots: PRE4TH 4
kazzikots: PRE4TH 3
kazzikots: PRE4TH 2
kazzikots: PRE4TH 1
kazzikots: Magic under the bridge
kazzikots: Where the sidewalk ends
kazzikots: All anyone's got
kazzikots: Recreational activities
kazzikots: Springz Reprezent!
kazzikots: Steeper than it looks
kazzikots: Gaseous
kazzikots: I do not live in Compton
kazzikots: calvin has an internet porn problem
kazzikots: THOSE are my BOYS
kazzikots: Just about as clean as he gets. I swear.
kazzikots: Charlie REALLY digs the swing he got for Easter.
kazzikots: He's a happy kid
kazzikots: Confetti eggs are perfect for the outside.
kazzikots: Charlie said they were "Confederate" eggs.
kazzikots: Grins, faux-hawk and specs
kazzikots: Charlie 2009
kazzikots: Walt 2009
kazzikots: Yeah, he's not up to something
kazzikots: Coolest kids ever
kazzikots: my big boys
kazzikots: Sick day
kazzikots: modified panorama
kazzikots: irresistably frosted grass
kazzikots: kids in fissure
kazzikots: pretty purple flower