girlwithtrowel: House warmed! Thanks to colleagues for gorgeous flowers & more alcohol than I can safely consume :)
girlwithtrowel: #geophysics folks: lines of frost... microtopographic or resulting from buried features? #frostprospection #minus2
girlwithtrowel: Terrible shot of one of a pair of squabbling starlings munching on seeds this morning <3
girlwithtrowel: Doing my bit for the local birdlife <3 #bluetit #gardenbirds #seedsandmealwormsinfat
girlwithtrowel: My rock and roll Friday night. With thanks to @felisferalis for starting me on them. Anyone got recs for stuff in the same vein?
girlwithtrowel: Not going to stop being amazed by this place any time soon...
girlwithtrowel: Big demonstration against cuts to teaching assistants salaries at County Hall. #mostlywomen
girlwithtrowel: Was worried about political tweets yesterday, then I remembered this is my PI's office door... :)
girlwithtrowel: Sinterklaas visited me last night! I think with some help from my lovely GIA colleagues... BEDANKT! #dutchtreats #snoepjes #kruidnoten
girlwithtrowel: Off to see #fantasticbeasts after work, so am sporting my Gryffindor quidditch jersey... (even though am probably really Ravenclaw) #unabashedgeekery
girlwithtrowel: Epic care package of Dutch tea, bonus chocolate (in a finds bag) from Dr Wieke! Thanks woman!
girlwithtrowel: For team @TigerGeoUK :) #geology
girlwithtrowel: The previously neglected boar & portico...
girlwithtrowel: Personal Altar to Geekdom restored. Now it feels more like home! #lego #rpgs #comics #davidmack
girlwithtrowel: Awesome words of encouragement from @BrightMeadow in my post today. And I just had to share the bat doodle. Look at her fuzzy awesomeness!
girlwithtrowel: Current to read stack <3
girlwithtrowel: The last of my books from NL arrived with a care package hidden inside :D
girlwithtrowel: The light is a bit special just now...
girlwithtrowel: So this is part of my walk to work now... (not in shot, portico with boar statues). #deffonotinkansas
girlwithtrowel: Bye stuff! See you in Durham! They sent an enormous van... it is less than half full!
girlwithtrowel: This week is going to be made possible by lists. Endless lists.
girlwithtrowel: Spectacular sunset seeing me off. #unexpectedalliteration
girlwithtrowel: Mustard soup eaten, coffee drunk, friends hugged and photos taken. Almost time to go :'(
girlwithtrowel: The last ones standing of the great Calabrian Triple PhD defence! What a brilliant two days <3
girlwithtrowel: So. Much. Sky. Ye Gods I love this country. <3
girlwithtrowel: Much beloved dinosaur hoodies has had laundry related zip death. I can take apart a new zip and fix it, right?
girlwithtrowel: Rainbows near Birmingham yesterday. I am not going to miss being away all the time, but I am going to miss seeing so much of the UK
girlwithtrowel: Me and my little blue car have just finished our last 6am 150 mile trek. Almost 18,000 miles in a year!
girlwithtrowel: Wandering around my house putting stickers trying to fit my life into boxes :s #moving
girlwithtrowel: The only way I will manage the move to Durham is with all the lists so starting a #bulletjournal and blaming @brightmeadow for everything.