Kay Little: I is for Ice Cream It was in Fullerton that I had my tonsils out. I remember going to the Drs. office, and hearing him say to come back in several days for surgery. It was a small office with a big, black chair. I was in the chair when I went to sleep,
Kay Little: H is for Horses It was while we lived in Avoca that I probably had the most exposure to my grandparent's farm in Carson. I used to love to go to the farm because I could run, and run, and run! Grandpa Stone always let us ride the horses and I loved that!
Kay Little: F is for Family Born the first child of Orville and Valda Stone, and oldest of three brothers and one sister, into a family that was not a particularly happy one. However, there are times that I remember fondly. The other times I remember and put them as
Kay Little: E is for Eggs I loved to gather eggs for Grandma Stone (Eleanor Ettna Ives Stone). It was always so much fun to guess how many eggs were in each nest. The eggs were always warm and the hens noisy. ~Shared by Patsy Stone Evans
Kay Little: D is for Dogs I had two experiences with dogs in Avoca. The first was a beautiful, red, Cocker Spaniel named Patsy Dog. I'm not sure if she was named before my parents got her. We had her for a long time and she had several litters of pups. She was my pa
Kay Little: C is for Chickens My parents moved several times as I was growing. I remember living in Fullerton, NE. I can vaguely remember the house we lived in. It was in the country and I think was light tan. The house had large rooms and a beautiful heavy folding
Kay Little: B is for Breakfast I grew up disliking breakfast while in Avoca. We had a Nanny goat which my father milked every morning before breakfast, and we children were compelled to drink the “nice, warm, fresh milk." I hated it and as a result grew up disliking
Kay Little: A is for Algebra There is a high school teacher I remember very well. I was taking an algebra class and it was like studying a foreign language to me. I didn't understand it and I couldn't figure it out. Then it happened. The teacher, a grandma looking p
Kay Little: Sherie Sue, or as she used to say "Harry Hue" came into this world with a round face, lots of long, black hair, and rolls of fat on her neck. The delivery room nurses exclaimed they'd never seen such a beautiful baby. Of course, mother and daddy agree. S
Kay Little: Aren't vacations great?!! ~The John and Pat Evans family on vacation in July of 1965, at Lake Okaboji, in northern Iowa
Kay Little: About the earliest memory I have is a Christmas Eve at Grandma Wonder’s. (I was about 3 years old). All the family was there and someone knocked on the door. I was told to go answer it and when I did there stood Santa Claus (Uncle Art). I screamed and ran
Kay Little: Life was really pretty miserable in Omaha and our family life really deteriorated. My dad left for the war and my mother drank a lot. I was often left alone to care for my brothers and sister. Doug was born. I got to name him. The hero of my life was Doug
Kay Little: When in the 5th or 6th grade we moved to Omaha and I attended Field Club School. We lived one block from the Field Club and in the summer we swam everyday. ~from the handwritten notes of Patsy Ann Stone
Kay Little: The summer after my graduation my life changed so much. . On July 1st I had a date with a nice, good looking boy named John Evans. We went to a movie. Saw ‘The Omaha Story’ with James Stewart. We had another date on July 2nd and another on July 4th. We da
Kay Little: “I attended Central High School and graduated in 1949. I can’t say I was a particularly good student but I did pretty well. I’m sure I learned much. I played tennis in high school. I was also in several musicals, and in choir. I was glad to graduate and b
Kay Little: 4639 East Virginia Avenue, Phoenix, AZ . Old photos can help you recall vivid memories that have long since been forgotten. When James saw the chairs in this picture, he remembered how as a child he would hold a chair upside down over his head and pretend
Kay Little: Happy Anniversary, Ernest and Anna! . Today would have been the 107th wedding anniversary of my great-grandparents, Ernest L. Wonder, and Anna May Babbel. I have such great memories of grandma's roast, carrots, and potatoes. I have never tasted any as goo
Kay Little: Mesa, Arizona, circa 1963. . I wonder how many great photos like this are sitting in boxes in someone’s closet or attic just waiting to be discovered! . This is Ann Little, posing on the slide while her mom or Aunt Billie took the photo. Ann was so embarr
Kay Little: Disneyland, December, 1955. . My mom’s mom, Grandma Wilkins (Valda Cora Wonder) and my Uncle Torchy (Torrey Wilkins). It’s a good thing they went in December, and not the opening day. . Disneyland’s grand opening was earlier that year, on July 17, 1955, a
Kay Little: You have to really zoom in to see my mom sitting way in the back in front of the file cabinets looking down at her typewriter. It’s fun to see her in the workplace. When the kids came around mom was a full time mom, and a very active one at that! She was
Kay Little: Corn State Serum Company, Omaha, NE, Circa 1949 . My parents met at the Corn State Serum Company in Omaha, NE. It was a company that made medicine for animals. Mom worked on the third floor, and dad worked downstairs in the shipping department. He used to
Kay Little: Lincoln Nebraska, April 1972 . This is just one of over 700 slides I recently scanned as a surprise for my husband James and his siblings. It comes from a slide collection from 1950 - 1989 that belonged to his parents. James remembers spending hours clean
Kay Little: Photo Challenge Day 1: At the Table . My sister Nancy at her 6th birthday party, at our home at 25 North 21st. Pictured from R to L next to the birthday girl is Jan Weaver, Beverly Holtapp, unknown boy standing, my sister Sherie is the baby in the backgro
Kay Little: My grandmother, Jane Elizabeth Pickering Evans, loved to play the piano. When she was younger she played the organ in church meetings, and loved to play the piano in her home. . But as she got older, she developed arthritis in her fingers, which made it m
Kay Little: In an antique store in Columbus, Ohio, a man found this photo with the following written on it: “Back - Florence Minard, Merle, Viola (mother), Jessie, George (father) and Nola.” The person who found the photo thinks this is George Minard and his wife Vio
Kay Little: What birthday party in the ‘50’s would be complete without Pin the Tail on the Donkey? This was definitely one of my favorites! Plus I remember the dress that I am wearing! So fun!
Kay Little: Evans and Stone cousins, Nov.1963, Omaha, NE . Every Thanksgiving we would go to my Grandpa Stone and Grandma Tina’s house in Omaha. It was there that we would see our Stone cousins, who would travel from Colorado to visit. It looks like they are having f
Kay Little: Like mother like daughter! My mother-in-law Phyllis and sister-in-law Ann with their Sycamore hats. I like how their clothes match! #motherdaughter #sycamoreleaves
Kay Little: John and Amber Little, May 1986, Jamul, California . Summer is coming soon! Here is a blast to the past of my brother-in-law John Little, and my niece Amber having fun at Grandma and Grandpa Little’s pool in Jamul, CA. I love Amber’s pointed toes!
Kay Little: Happy Mother’s Day to my angel mother. . Mom passed away two years ago, and I have been thinking so much about her today. I took some time to read one of her journals today, and felt so sad when I read about the day that James and I told her we were movin