jupiter_jazz_2071: The Slayer
jupiter_jazz_2071: My grandpa, Uncle Dean and grandpas new cat
jupiter_jazz_2071: Typical Skylar pose
jupiter_jazz_2071: HOLLYWOOD MIRROR!!!!!
jupiter_jazz_2071: Gimp hand fetus
jupiter_jazz_2071: Kumas Corner
jupiter_jazz_2071: Happy beer face aaron
jupiter_jazz_2071: Spaceship?
jupiter_jazz_2071: First beer. I didn't like it
jupiter_jazz_2071: oops...accident
jupiter_jazz_2071: Chicago. My favorite city
jupiter_jazz_2071: My grandpa and all his new treasures.
jupiter_jazz_2071: Sky blue sky
jupiter_jazz_2071: mmmm...calamari
jupiter_jazz_2071: My gandma, grandpa and uncle...with all my grandpas new treasures
jupiter_jazz_2071: big ol' plate of delicious
jupiter_jazz_2071: I love this place
jupiter_jazz_2071: The alley...BELMONT AND CLARK IF YOU DARE!
jupiter_jazz_2071: walking towards heaven...
jupiter_jazz_2071: Kuma Burger...
jupiter_jazz_2071: Happy Meals make me happy
jupiter_jazz_2071: happy Kumas face