kayla coo: Winter in Warwickshire
kayla coo: Olive Trees.
kayla coo: Still stitching!
kayla coo: Stitched landscape
kayla coo: Visit to an Artists House
kayla coo: Ragley Hall Gardens
kayla coo: Landscape The View At Ragley
kayla coo: Through Yellow Fields
kayla coo: Sketch and Stitch
kayla coo: At The Exhibition
kayla coo: With my Homage a'Matisse
kayla coo: Englufed by my stitching
kayla coo: Exhibition "Powerful Forces" Michala Gyetvai Textiles , paintings & drawings George Wagstaffe Sculpture.
kayla coo: Art Work From 2013
kayla coo: " Powerful Forces" Michala Gyetvai , Textiles and Paintings, George Wagstaffe Sculpture.
kayla coo: Stitched from Wintry Drawings
kayla coo: Small stitched piece
kayla coo: Workbox Magazine
kayla coo: Colletta
kayla coo: Out of My Window
kayla coo: Grass & Sky
kayla coo: Today at Ragley Hall
kayla coo: Inspired by Pre'lude a' l'apre's - midi d'un faune by Debussy
kayla coo: Italian landscape
kayla coo: Two Olive Trees
kayla coo: A View In Italy