Mike & Indy: Only You
Janet 59: Keighley by the sea!
Bigbird3: Out of the Shadows
Sylvie.M - Merci à tous !: Regard sur un monde plus doux
KvikneFoto: Don`t Listen To BobKatt, He`s Such a Dreamer!!
Erell.B: Iowa
Maggie Osterberg: Jemma On The Bed, February 03, 2016
silvina_hortal: GATITO CURIOSO
mwright068: Hello Grace
♪ ORY ♪: La vida en sepia
Jorbasa: Herbstimpression - autumn impression (1)
Jorbasa: Lichttulpe - light tulip
Jorbasa: Löwengesicht - face of a lion
Jorbasa: kurioser Feiertag - Weltkatzentag
miyukiz4 ɥsıןƃuǝ ɹood: Schrödinger's cat
KvikneFoto: Bergstadens Vel
Jorbasa: "Ja ist denn schon Herbst?" - It´s still autumn?
Jorbasa: "Hallo, hier bin ich!" - Hello here I am!"
meg price: 9/52 Barney's New Brother!
Mike & Indy: Simply Laddie
Jorbasa: Oscar Wild(e)
Zack Lin Record my life: This is my favorite photo . "silent streets have much to say"? by Michelle Tuttle
Mike & Indy: Grief is the price we pay for love.
KvikneFoto: Blåtur......
edgarandron - Busy!: Gracie 8 January 2012 0017b 85